How come some people seemed weird?

23:31 Unknown 0 Comments

     Socially awkward people often get told that they're weird. It's a tricky word to deal with because it has both good and bad connotations, and people use it to describe all kinds of things. Sometimes the word is used to refer to something that's strange or different with the others, but not necessarily bad. Some people may not like it, but that's only just their opinion. For example, someone might say they don't like Johnny Depp or Albert Einstein because they both seem like a weird guy. But there's nothing really wrong with him as a person. He's just has a bit of an eccentric style. At other times someone may call something weird, and they're referring to a behavior that really is socially inappropriate, and overly strange and disconcerting, and even unacceptable by some standards. In this case, the person doing the weird things may want to take that feedback into the heart and try to act differently.

    The hard part is figuring out which of your weird behaviors to keep and which ones to try and eliminate. It's always going to be a judgment call that each person has to make for themselves. The choices someone makes will also depend on how much their orientation towards changing themselves is based on being pragmatic and adapting to the world vs. being true to themselves.

Here are some things that may earn someone a weird label: (to be continued in the later topics)

Written by Winston.

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