Clarity of mind?

18:21 Unknown 0 Comments

Recently, WikiHow published 'How to get mental clarity' and it listed the 5 ways that you can help with it.
1. Attain a good quality and quantity of sleep. 
2. Get regular exercise. 
3. Exercise your mind to stimulate and strengthen your brain.
4. Maintain a healthy blood sugar level. Just as gasoline fuels a car, blood sugar fuels a brain.
5. Provide the right nutrients. 

Above ways can get you a full mental clarity. In fact mental clarity have more definitions. People are afraid of a brainwash, definitely. But what if we were already brainwashed by thinking to avoid brainwash or, even reading my sentence? Since we were born, when we had our first thoughts we were exposed to the realm of sense which by that time we haven't developed it yet. Until we were taught what is sense...What if you are brainwashed? We look at things based on our experience, and for the rest we'll  never know. Brainwash supposed to be a political word but now as we look deeper into the meaning, it seemed to be be very dull. Some words never meant to mean themselves. Some may say Brainwash means being taught the wrong knowledge but how do we consider the knowledge right or wrong? How do regard Limit and Infinity?I think some human sense is ought to be wrong.

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