Any kind of social awkwardness

10:08 Unknown 0 Comments

This point and the ones below cover behaviors that are more objectively problematic. People often get called weird when they make a lot of social mistakes. They're seen as strange because their behaviors is not what others are expecting. People may also assume a person's social errors are symptoms of a more core oddness.

Not making enough eye contact? Weird.

Laughing without reason?Weird.

Standing too close? Weird.

Speaking in a funny voice? Weird.

Was asked a question where people normally give a canned response and said something out of left field instead? Weird.

Disclosing too much personal information at a time when it's not so appropriate? Weird.

Brought up a gross subject during a meeting? Weird.

It's four in the morning and he switched on the music and started dancing? Weird.

Seemed really uncomfortable and stammered out two-word reply when I said hello? 

Maybe just shy, possibly weird as well.

Being really quiet? Again, many people could see this behavior as a sign of shyness, but some would also label it as weird too.

I could go on and on. Of course just improving your social skills will correct this problem.

Written by Winston.

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